expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>
as l0ng as i breath...may G0d bless us...

Saturday 21 January 2012


da lme kn i ta lalu cni..hmm..blog ni p0n mmg bkn utk tatapan umum..huhu,,juz on9 diary..sbb tu mls cli na care..heheh..b0san laa...skg aq at umaa..ta stat stdy ag..adoussss..bla na stat nih? hahahhah..ntah pape an...naek cti tr0s exm taw..mp0s la aq..hhuhuhu...tp aq ttp mls stdy ag..ape nk jd la ni ek..ish2..da la mls stdy..td0 je kje...hahah..trk an ank dare s0rg ni///bio laa...law kt k0lej jgn hrap aq leh lex2 cm ni..s0..nj0y ! guna cuti sbaek2 nye..hahahaha

Sunday 8 January 2012

::: manisan ukhuwah :::

arini mira na share sal pr0gram yang k0lej kami da buat
alhamdulillah..smua berjalan lncar..
pr0gram ni mlibat kan 4 org pelajar KMPh

kat sini la kami pergi..disini letaknye 13 orang warga Asnaf

ni NYdp kami..ketua la senang kan.

ni t0k arif..name : Mohd Arif..
tok ni salah satu tabligh negara kite..
byk da tmpat dy pegi..byk sgt pglman dy

ni p0n salah s0rang makcik yg menghuni di situ

pemandangan dari atas bas time kami na balik..
huhu..sdey w0o..rndu kt mak ayah

h0pe k0rang p0n de pluang na g tmpat2 mcm2 ni
jgn la sia2kan wktu remaja k0rang
at least sdkit sbyk pglman akn mematang kn kita
in shaa Allah

Saturday 7 January 2012

avril lavinge --smile--

Smile, smile
Come on baby, just smile
Come on, baby just smile
Come on, baby just

You and your bad moods
You and your attitude
It's something I can live without

You and your black green
You and your sick game
That I can never figure out

Now I'm walking through the city
Everything is pretty, I lightened the load
I'm lettin' you know that suddenly it's sunny
I'm finding that I'm runnin' from you, from you, from you

Does it hurt when ya smile?
You're a kill joy, bad boy
Sippin' all your blood to the world

Just pretend for a while like music's gonna getcha
Yeah, I know it really isn't you style
But it isn't gonna kill ya to smile, smile
Come on, baby just smile, come on, baby just

You and your cool hair, lookin' through a missta
So laid back that ya fallen down
You and your weird friends, fun that just don't end
Remind me not to come around, yeah

Now I'm walking through the city
Everything is pretty, I lightened the load
I'm lettin' you know that suddenly it's sunny
I'm finding that I'm runnin' from you, from you, from you

Does it hurt when ya smile?
You're a kill joy, bad boy
Sippin' all your blood to the world

Just pretend for a while like music's gonna getcha
Yeah, I know it really isn't you style
But it isn't gonna kill ya to smile, smile
Come on, baby, just smile, come on, baby, just

Now I'm walking through the city
Everything is pretty, I lightened the load
I'm lettin' you know that suddenly it's sunny
I'm finding that I'm runnin' from you, from you, from you

Does it hurt when ya smile?
You're a kill joy, bad boy
Sippin' all your blood to the world

Just pretend for a while like music's gonna getcha
Yeah, I know it really isn't your style
But it isn't gonna kill ya to smile
Isn't gonna kill ya to smile, isn't gonna kill ya to smile

Come on, baby, just
Come on, baby, just
Come on, baby, just
Come on, baby, just smile

Thursday 5 January 2012

KMPh -kolej matrikulasi pahang

here i c0me..as a tertiary student fr0m a sec0ndary school..
tataw la nak cite ap..cume na cite sal budaya kt cni..
hmm...sume cm duk h0stel sk0l mnengah dlu..ta byk p0n yg beza..
beza plg ketara pakaian je la..c0z duk matrik leh pkai fesyen pe p0n as far ta lggar law..
tp amai je yg lggar..haha..aq as JPP -jawatankuasa perwakilan pelajar-
ta mampu na teg0 lbih2..msg2 da besa..ad akal kot..slagi ta jd ape2..lntak laa.
ok what variasi kn..haha..
i lov diz kolej..wlpn n tmpat last dlm aty aq na pegi dlu..
huhu..s0kay..alhamdulilh..aq survive in stdying here..
insya Allah..aq 0a tuk kjyaan sterusnye..hmm...
u mne la nt ek.
skg msg2 da bz gn preparation stdy tuk test,,mcm2 test ad kat kmph ni..
q amek 4 subjek..leh kate stiap abez bab mst test..tp ok ar tu..
tade ar wat kie lupe pe yg kite blaja kn..alhamdulilah..result p0n 0k..
mudah2 han..perjalanan ilmu ku lebih di berkati selepas ini...
dengan keredaan ibubpa yg pasti... aminnn

Tuesday 3 January 2012

perlu ke azam baru ???

hmmm..da 3 hari aqu d ta0n bru..alhamdulilahh..
aq da abez puase gantii n nazar..hehe..suke2..
leh laa  aq puase sunat byk ckit ta0n ni..

berkata2 psal azam..perlu ke? bg aq..x kot..
c0z a ade azam hid0p..s0,,spnjg hd0p aq akn jdikn tu azam aq,,
azam yg penuh iltizam na bantu family..
permudahkan jalanku ya Allah,,

btw.. i love my life n0w.. <3